Emilia Clarke's Struggles and Triumphs Defending Modesty Amidst Nudity on Game of Thrones

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Game of Thrones

Emilia Clarke, famous for her portrayal of Daenerys Targaryen, also known as Khaleesi, in Game of Thrones, has opened up about her initial unease and subsequent battles with the show's creators regarding nude scenes. The actress, who gained widespread recognition and became a pop culture icon for her iconic role, faced difficulties in navigating the explicit nudity that was prevalent in the HBO series. During an interview, she shared insights into her early reservations and how she asserted her boundaries on set.

As she makes her debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) in Secret Invasion this year, playing a Skrull character, Clarke's popularity continues to soar, largely due to her role in Game of Thrones. The immense success of the show led to the development of a separate series dedicated to the Targaryen House.

Reflecting on her early days on Game of Thrones, Clarke acknowledged the significant growth in her perspective. She expressed, "I mean, this was way back in the day. So now, things are very, very different, and I'm much more aware of what I'm comfortable with and what I'm okay with doing." Clarke recalled instances of disagreements on set and firmly asserted herself by insisting, "'No! The sheet stays up,'" when faced with pressure to disrobe. Despite her initial discomfort, she staunchly defended her position, asserting her autonomy while also considering the expectations of the show's fans.

Game of Thrones

Emilia Clarke's Struggles and Triumphs Defending Modesty Amidst Nudity on Game of Thrones

Clarke explained the importance of nudity for her character, Khaleesi, in Game of Thrones, emphasizing that viewers wouldn't fully understand her character's challenges if they hadn't witnessed the abuse she endured. While acknowledging the emotional toll it took on her, such as crying in the bathroom after certain scenes, Clarke's perspective shifted by the sixth season. She embraced a sense of ownership and empowerment, stating, "When I did the last nude scene for the show, which was walking through the fire for the second time, I thought, 'I am owning this. This is mine.' They asked me to do it, and you know what? I'm completely game."

In summary, Emilia Clarke navigated the challenges of nudity on Game of Thrones, initially grappling with discomfort but ultimately asserting herself and finding empowerment in her role as Khaleesi.

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